A place of prayer and welcome, art and history
The Monastery of Sant Daniel was established between 1015 and 1018. Countess Ermessenda and Count Ramon Borrell played a major role in its foundation. The Monastery has been the home of a community of Benedictine nuns since then.
Located in the Valley of Sant Daniel on the outskirts of Girona, the Monastery bears living testimony to Benedictine spirituality: it is a place of prayer, work, training, meditation and welcome.

The Valley of Sant Daniel seemed to us, with the diversity of colours of the crops, one of those wheels of fortune painted in elemental colours (...) we passed close to the walls, with latticed windows, of a whitewashed convent ( ...). This is a lovely valley, with a sweet Gothicising feel to it, sheltered and graceful. Josep Pla
Leaping boldly from the flowery wall / the flower of nostalgia of this valley, / Ermessenda’s offshoot with the thread / of the tail of a kite and Daniel’s impulse, / following the departure / that buried hate below the scarp / so that love becomes the shroud / and the seed of another life. Dídac Faig.
W e have just celebrated the millennium of the foundation of the Monastery. The last few years have been filled with activities, interviews, press articles and television reports, and also new learning and new projects. A time during which the Monastery has strengthened the Benedictine pillar of hospitality in its broadest sense, above all promoting our guesthouse so that we can offer a place to stay for those people who wish to come and spend some time with us, and take part, through their own sensitivity, in Benedictine life.
Although we have returned to a life of seclusion since the millennium celebrations ended, these years have left their mark: a more open attitude to society at the Monastery and the recognition that the Monastery has a role to play as a place of prayer, work, silence and retreat.
A warm welcome to all our visitors.
Maria Assumpció Pifarré
Prioress Administrator
Monastery of Sant Daniel

We are able to offer you the following services at the Monastery