The autonomous pious foundation of the monastery: looking to the future

T he Pia Fundació aut. del Monestir de Sant Daniel was set up in 2017 on the initiative of the community of Benedictine nuns at the Monastery of Sant Daniel.
The goal of the foundation is to work together in favour of the sacred apostolate and evangelization through the restoration, conservation and maintenance of the Monastery of Sant Daniel and all its tangible and intangible heritage, as well as the dissemination of knowledge about the Monastery, the promotion of the study of monastic life and the values of Benedictine spirituality. It also aims to ensure that the monastery continues to be a place of hospitality, in accordance with the spirit of the Rule of Saint Benedict.
The current members of the board of trustees of the foundation are as follows: the Rev. Mo. Maria Assumpció Pifarré Clapés, President; Fr. Manel Gasch Hurtos, vice-president; Sr. Maria Àngels Gener Huix; Sr. Mercè Roig Coromina;
Fr. Joaquim Giol Aymerich; Fr. Valentí Tenas Bartina; Sr. Conxita Gómez Subirà; Mr. Robert Xifre i Anglada; Ms. Marta Franch Sagué; Mr. Martí Ferrer Bosch; Mr. Oriol Sarasa i Perpinyà, secretary; and Ms. Núria Tura i Ros, treasurer.