T he Archive of the Monastery of Sant Daniel (AMSDG) is the historical archive of the community of Sant Daniel. As such it contains all the documents fruit of its activity from the 11th century to the beginning of the 20th century. It also holds documents unrelated to the community that have arrived different channels over the centuries.
The AMSDG contains three collections:
Monastery of Sant Daniel de Girona, 938 (open)
Monastic collection gathered together by the community of Sant Daniel as a result of its activity and that of the monasteries that were annexed during the 15th century: Santa Margarida de la Garriga or Prats, in Roses (1225-1461); Santa Maria del Mar, in Calonge (c. 1241-1424); and Santa Maria de Valldemaria, in Maçanet de la Selva (1158-1550). It consists of eleven linear metres of paper documents and about 1,600 scrolls.
Mallol de Vilopriu Family, 16th to 19th centuries
Heritage collection gathered together and classified by different generations of the Mallol Family, a family of farmers from the village of Vilopriu who worked the land in the Llémena valley.
Collection of Joys from the Monastery of Sant Daniel in Girona
Collection of more than two thousand joys gathered together by the community of Benedictine nuns at Sant Daniel in Girona.
Consultation opening times: Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1:30 pm and from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Prior booking required.
Contact: arxiu@santdaniel.com